
Word:  Choose a word from your tablemates study guide they put a (-) next to and help them to complete a wordsquare on their paper
Type I:  What is your weekend plan for studying.  Time?  Location?  Help?
After our pre-exam we studied a bit and talked about skills, locations and tips to get the most out of your time this weekend!


Word:  Choose a word from your study guide you put a (-) next to and complete in this wordsquare.
Type I:  What are your study tips and tricks?
Today we began to utilize our study guide to get focused on our final exam preparation.
In addition, we talked about utilizing technology for studying such as twitter # usage for quizzing each other and using the app/site:
http://quizlet.com/ to make and share flash cards.  CLICK HERE for a page that Anna D. made to share and upload your flashcards and add to the class set!